City/Commune: Khmelnytskyi
District: Khmelnytskyi
Province: Khmelnytskyi
Is the property located within city limits? (Y/N): Yes
Distance to Khmelnitsky city limits, km: 0
Area of property
Max. area available (as one piece), ha: 2.9
What is the property’s shape? : Polygon
Possibility for expansion(Y/N): Yes
Short description :
Property information
Form of ownership (Private / Communal): Communal property
Do you have documentation of ownership (Y/N) : Yes
Land specification
Cadastral number: 6810100000:25:003:0393
Zoning (Farm/ Industrial/ Residential): Industrial
Are there any legal restrictions or encumbrances (Y/N): No
This property is offered for (Sale/Rent/Either): Sale
Sale price, Euro: Expert assessment required
Elevation, meter: 331.7
Is the site currently used? (Y/N): Yes
Underground water level, meter: -
Has a geological survey been done (Y/N): No
Is there a risk of flooding or land slide (Y/N): No
Underground utilites or services (Y/N): No
Ground and overhead obstructions (Y/N): No
Ecological restrictions (Y/N): No
Buildings/other constructions on site (Y/N): No
Transport links
Access road to the plot (Y/N): Yes
Nearest national highway, km: 13.8
Distance to nearest rail transfer station, km: 5.8
Nearest international airport, km: 10.6
Existing infrastructure
Is electricity service on the site? (Y/N): No
Distance to electricity connection point, meter: 0.1
Voltage, kWatts?: 10
Available capacity, MW: 200
Is natural gas on the site? (Y/N): No
Distance to connection point, meter: 0.5
Water supply (Y/N): No
Distance to connection point, meter: 0.49
Available capacity, m3/h: 160
Telephone service (Y/N): No
Distance to connection point to sewer, мeter: 0.05
Telephone service? (Y/N): Yes